
Flat Butt

Achieve the beautiful, contoured silhouette you have always desired with our instant liquid Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) at Hush Beauty MD. Our expert team is dedicated to helping you enhance your natural curves, boosting your confidence and elegance.


Everyone has a layer of fat between their muscle and skin, with connective tissue between the skin and muscle. Depending on how the fat cells gather beneath the skin, bumps can form as the fat cells push upward while the connective tissue pulls inward.

Dark Circles and Hollows

Discoloration and hollows that appear around the eyes can occur very early in life if its hereditary in nature. It can be a general darkening (grey or brown hues) of the area around the eyes or it can be focused just beneath the eyes.

Deep Nasolabial Folds (Smile Lines)

Deep Nasolabial Folds otherwise known as smile lines are the lines that appear when we smile, which is normal. However as we age these lines get deeper and the cheeks appears heavier and hangs over the nasolabial folds.

Double Chin

A double chin comes from an extra layer of fat that sits below your chin. Because the layer causes your upper neck to sit lower, it gives the impression of having two chin lines instead of one. This layer is also called submental fat.

Dull Skin

Dull, tired, and aged skin is something we would all like to avoid. Unfortunately, our skin begins to change as we age, and the natural production of oil and sweat decreases. That can cause our skin to become dry, itchy, and irritated.

Enlarged Pores Treatment

Enlarged pores look like small pinholes in your skin. As you age, your pores naturally grow larger because the skin loses its elasticity and begins to stretch, which changes the size of your pores.

Eye Bags

Eye bags often come with dark circles, but they’re different conditions. Eye bags refer to swelling. While it also comes with age, eye bags are more due to the muscles. Looser skin can also contribute to the size of your eye bags.

Lines and Wrinkles

Lines and wrinkles are creases or folds in your skin that occur naturally as the skin loses its elasticity. Lines usually start appearing after 25 years old but typically don’t become too noticeable until your 60s. Before then, they usually appear as subtle fine lines on the skin.

Hair Loss

Hair loss is when the hair on your scalp or body falls out. The average person has around 100,000 hairs on their head and loses between 50 and 100 hairs a day. Hair thinning and loss are a normal part of aging and a common symptom of other conditions.

Jowls Treatment

Jowls are a common cosmetic concern. As we age, the skin loses elasticity, collagen production naturally decreases, and one of the most noticeable effects is the formation of jowls. Jowls are fleshy drooping folds of skin that appear on the lower face and neck area.

Lip Concerns

Thin lips are lips with minimal volume or definition, typically caused by a lack of natural tissue or an aging process. The aging process can lead to thinning lips as collagen and hyaluronic acid production decreases naturally.

Nose Shape Treatment

The nose shape comes from a combination of bone and cartilage, a soft connective tissue. The way your cartilage and bone interconnects determines your nose shape. Ethnicity and genetics also play a significant role in how you look.


Discoloration on the skin can happen for various reasons, contributing to skin imperfections. It can range from flat spots to raised ones, lighter or darker than normal skin tone, and comes in all shapes and sizes.


Rosacea is identified by redness on the central part of the face (lower forehead, cheeks, nose, chin) which starts off as intermittent, then becomes more permanent and severe overtime. It is caused by an excess of dilated blood vessels

Sagging Brows and Eye Lids

This is a very common problem as one gets older. The brows sits lower than usual and makes the upper lids of the eye hang heavy over the eyes.

Skin Laxity and Sagginess

As we age, skin loses its elasticity, thickness and firmness. We also lose bone mass, muscle mass, fat, collagen and elastin. This explains why our face starts to look saggy and jowly, not unlike the adorable bulldog.

Acne Scars

Acne scars are the permanent marks left behind from acne. All acne can lead to scarring, but it’s most common with cystic acne. Cystic acne is deeper, pus-filled cysts under the skin. They’re much larger and more painful than other types of acne.

Stretch Marks

Stretch mark scars appear when your skin quickly grows or shrinks. Your skin relies on collagen and elastin to stay elastic. As a result, it helps your skin return to its original place after losing weight. However, if changes happen too quickly to your skin

Volume Loss

Volume loss happen usually when we age. This can also happen when we lose a lot of weight.This often results in a tired and aged look. We start to lose them around the temples and undereyes, then the cheeks and even the lips.

Turkey Neck

Turkey neck is the sagging and wrinkled skin around the neck that occurs with age or excess weight. Most people notice the first signs of turkey neck around forty years old.